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Hirdetés megosztása


Find Your Dream Graduate School on November 13th!

Feladás dátuma: 2024.10.01 17:41
Hirdetés típus

Are you ready to accelerate your career with a Master s degree from a top university? The Access Online event on November 13th will connect you with renowned business schools and guide you in choosing the right path to success.

NB: In order to receive your personalized invitation and customized schedule for the event, please submit your information in the registration form on our website:

Here is what you can expect at the event:

1. Guidance and school orientation.
During the event, you will have a personal education adviser to guide you online to the best programmes for you in Business, Management, Marketing and Finance.
2. Diverse workshops and presentations.
Talk to school representatives online from around the world, including IESE Business School, Politecnico Di Milano, Hult International Business School and more. This event is interactive, personalized, and full of activities so you can make the best decision for your future!
Listen to the inspiring presentation "How to Make the Most of Meeting Admissions Advisers" presented by Access Masters Admissions Consultant
3. Scholarship opportunities.
At the end of each season, Access Online awards one prospective student with a scholarship of USD 1,000 to help them finance their graduate school studies.

All that and much more awaits at the Access Online event in Europe on 13th November. Register now!

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