Learn about TOP MBA programs at an exclusive MBA ONLINE EVENT
European professionals can meet international MBA programmes and business schools representatives at the Access Online MBA Event. Access Online brings together prospective MBA applicants and top accredited business schools from around the world through live, personalized online meetings. On 27th March & 14th April, attendees will have the opportunity to explore and learn about some of the most prestigious business degrees globally. The attendees of the online event will benefit from interactive personalised 20-min learning and Q&A sessions with top business schools from the UK, USA & Europe. Furthermore, event participants will gain free expert advice on MBA programs and career development, providing valuable insights as they plan their professional growth. They will also have the opportunity to join panel discussions featuring representatives from top business schools and MBA alumni and last but not least to participate in a draw at the event and win 1 online course by GMAT Prep provider Manhattan Review To accommodate everyone s schedule, we are offering two convenient dates for event registration: 27th March and 14th April. We look forward to seeing you there! The event is free, registration is required: 1st date - 2nd date -
VII. kerület, Budapest
14 február