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Cycplus M1 GPS kerékpáros komputer bluetooth ANT+ új dobozos 3.0 kijelző háttérvilágítás

12 000 Ft
Feladás dátuma: 2024.09.17 08:36
Hirdetés típus

Cycplus M1 GPS kerékpáros komputer bluetooth ANT+ új dobozos 3.0 kijelző

háttérvilágítás vízálló nagy képernyő

GPS Bike Computer Wireless CYCPLUS M1 Waterproof Speedometer Odometer ANT+ Bluetooth5.0 Cycling

GPS Integration :The CYCPLUS M1 GPS Bike Computer offers wireless integration, providing accurate real-time data for your cycling adventures.

Waterproof Design :Designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, this bike computer is waterproof, ensuring reliable performance even in wet weather.

Bluetooth5.0 Technology :Equipped with Bluetooth5.0, this bike computer allows for seamless connectivity with your smartphone for real-time tracking and control.

ANT + Compatibility :With ANT + compatibility, this bike computer can connect with a wide range of health and fitness tracking devices for comprehensive data aggregation.

Robust Speedometer and Odometer :The speedometer and odometer features of this bike computer provide precise measurements of your cycling performance, making it an essential tool for training and goal setting.

Wireless Stopwatch Feature :The wireless stopwatch feature of this bike computer allows for hands-free timing and tracking of your cycling efforts.

- 2.9inch super big ANST screen

- ANT+ Peripheral supported: heart rate monitor, cadence sensor, powermeter

- Real time data showing:max current average speed, cadence, heart rate, power,gradient; Time, distance, ascent, ODO, altitude, temperature

- Support app data analysis and sync to Strava

- 1100mAh rechargeable battery, 30+ hours super long endurance

- With 16M Internal memory, CYCPLUS M1 save about 150 hours cycling data

-It supports BLE5.0, and can quickly synchronize data to mobile phone -Sync time for reference: about 10.35kb s or 45s for 100km (IOS); about 8.37kb s or 56s for 100km (Android)..This test includes cadence, speed and heart rate sensor data.

- It supports automatic power-off and automatic pause. Startapro_1726555433

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