Keresés mentése Hirdetésfeladás
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Egyéb autó, jármű, gép eladó Pest (új és használt) - Startapró.hu

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A hirdetést sikeresen eltávolítottad a kedvencek közül

Hirdetések Hirdetések az oldalon: 20 / 50

2,5 tonna alacsony profilú elforgatható karú krokodil emelő hidraulikus emelő 85-381 mm emelés magas

2,5 tonna alacsony profilú elforgatható karú krokodil emelő hidraulikus emelő 85-381 mm emelés magas

2,5 tonna teherbírású alacsony profilú, 360 fokban körbeforgatható emelőkarral szerelt krokodil emelő hidraulikus emelő új eladó. 85 mm és 381 mm (8,5 cm és 38,1 cm) között emel. Most 1 db ajándék gumipogácsa tányér jár hozzá. Műszaki adatok: Terhelhetőség: 2500 kg (2,5 tonna) Alacsony profil: 85 mm ...

Páty, Pest

Iveco daily

Iveco daily

Eladó a képen létható kishaszonjármű. 2006.-os, 201000 km, duplakabinos, billencses, 3t összsúly, megerősített ágyú, szép állapotban, azonnal munkára fogható. Tolatókamerával, jó állapotban lévő gumikkal eladó.

Vác, Pest

Új Romet kadet 780  martica szett

Új Romet kadet 780 martica szett

Romet Kadet 780 matrica szett eladó méret pontos 4 darab egy szett és 2500ft .Érdeklődni telefonon 06-3 Pest megye Úriban lehet átvenni vagy előre utalás esetén postázom is kérésre +1200ft költséggel

Úri, Pest

Kukirin M5 Pro roller kerámia fékbetét eladó

Kukirin M5 Pro roller kerámia fékbetét eladó

Eladó a képeken látható Kugoo Kirin M5 Pro rollerhez való hátsó fékbetét pár. Az ár egyben értendő két darabra, azaz egy párra. Kerámia fékbetétek. Egy rövid videó több fényképpel: https: www youtube com watch?v=6cniVJ50O7Y Átvehető: Pest megye - Taksony községben. Postán is elküldöm rendesen becsomagolva ...

Taksony, Pest

Triumph Renown saloon 1949 1954 bumper by stainless steel new

Triumph Renown saloon 1949 1954 bumper by stainless steel new

Triumph Renown saloon 1949 1954 bumper by stainless steel new A set bumper of a front bumper in 6 parts, a rear bumper with 2 x over riders, bolts and screw. The product has shape and size like the original samples. So, They perfect fit on the car. Products are made of 304 stainless steel imported from ...

Cegléd, Pest

Triumph Spitfire MK3(1967-1970) and Triumph GT6 MK2(1968-1970) grille by stainless steel new

Triumph Spitfire MK3(1967-1970) and Triumph GT6 MK2(1968-1970) grille by stainless steel new

Triumph Spitfire MK3(1967-1970) and Triumph GT6 MK2(1968-1970) grille by stainless steel new A full front grille for Triumph Spitfire MK3 (1967-1970) and Triumph GT6 MK2 (1968-1970). The product has shape and size like the original samples. So, They perfect fit on the car. Products are made of 304 stainless ...

Cegléd, Pest

Triumph Spitfire MK3, Triumph GT6 MK2 bumpers

Triumph Spitfire MK3, Triumph GT6 MK2 bumpers

Triumph Spitfire MK3, Triumph GT6 MK2 bumpers by stainless steel new Triumph Spitfire MK3 (1967-1970) and Triumph GT6 MK2 (1968-1970) bumpers A set of 1 front bumper, 2 front over-riders with rubber inserts, 2 rear bumpers, bolts and screws. The product has shape and size like the original samples. ...

Cegléd, Pest

Triumph Spitfire MK4, MK3 GT6, 1500 bumpers by stainless steel new

Triumph Spitfire MK4, MK3 GT6, 1500 bumpers by stainless steel new

Triumph Spitfire MK4, MK3 GT6, 1500 bumpers by stainless steel new Triumph Spitfire MK4 (1970-1974), Spitfire 15 ), and GT6 MK3 (1970-1973) bumpers. A set of 1 front bumper, 1 rear bumper, bolts and screws. The product has shape and size like the original samples. So, They perfect fit on the car. Products ...

Cegléd, Pest

Triumph Spitfire MK4, MK3 GT6, 1500 radiator grille by stainless steel new

Triumph Spitfire MK4, MK3 GT6, 1500 radiator grille by stainless steel new

Triumph Spitfire MK4, MK3 GT6, 1500 radiator grille by stainless steel new The product has shape and size like the original samples. So, They perfect fit on the car. Products are made of 304 stainless steel imported from Japan and India, especially with a chrome content higher than 30%, so they never ...

Cegléd, Pest

 Triumph TR3A (1957 1962) bumpers by stainless steel new

Triumph TR3A (1957 1962) bumpers by stainless steel new

Triumph TR3A (1957 1962) bumpers by stainless steel new A set of 1 front bumper, 2 front overriders, 2 rear bumpers, bolts and screw. The product has shape and size like the original samples. So, They perfect fit on the car. Products are made of 304 stainless steel imported from Japan and India, especially ...

Cegléd, Pest

Triumph TR4 (1961-1965) bumpers by stainless steel new

Triumph TR4 (1961-1965) bumpers by stainless steel new

Triumph TR4 (1961-1965) bumpers by stainless steel new A set of 1 front bumper, 1 rear bumper, 4 overriders, bolts and screws. The product has shape and size like the original samples. So, They perfect fit on the car. Products are made of 304 stainless steel imported from Japan and India, especially ...

Cegléd, Pest

Triumph TR6 (1969-1974) bumpers by stainless steel new

Triumph TR6 (1969-1974) bumpers by stainless steel new

Triumph TR6 (1969-1974) bumpers by stainless steel new A set of 1 front bumper in 1 piece, 1 rear bumper in 3 parts, bolts and screw. The product has shape and size like the original samples. So, They perfect fit on the car. Products are made of 304 stainless steel imported from Japan and India, especially ...

Cegléd, Pest

Triumph TR4A, TR4A IRS, TR5, TR250 (1965-1969) bumpers by stainless steel new

Triumph TR4A, TR4A IRS, TR5, TR250 (1965-1969) bumpers by stainless steel new

Triumph TR4A, TR4A IRS, TR5, TR250 (1965-1969) bumpers by stainless steel new A set of 1 front bumper, 1 rear bumper, 4 overriders, bolts and screw. The product has shape and size like the original samples. So, They perfect fit on the car. Products are made of 304 stainless steel imported from Japan ...

Cegléd, Pest

Triumph TR6 (1974-1976) bumpers by stainless steel new

Triumph TR6 (1974-1976) bumpers by stainless steel new

Triumph TR6 (1974-1976) bumpers by stainless steel new A set of 1 front bumper in 1 piece with license plate shield, 1 rear bumper in 3 parts, bolts and screw. The product has shape and size like the original samples. So, They perfect fit on the car. Products are made of 304 stainless steel imported ...

Cegléd, Pest

Triumph TR6 (1974-1976) bumpers without license plate shield by stainless steel new

Triumph TR6 (1974-1976) bumpers without license plate shield by stainless steel new

Triumph TR6 (1974-1976) bumpers without license plate shield by stainless steel new A set of 1 front bumper in 1 piece , 1 rear bumper in 3 parts, bolts and screw. The product has shape and size like the original samples. So, They perfect fit on the car. Products are made of 304 stainless steel imported ...

Cegléd, Pest

Eladó Jansen minikotró

Eladó Jansen minikotró

Eladó Jansen MB2000 gumilánctalpas minlikotró, 30, 40, 60-as kanalakkal, talajlazítóval, rönkfogóval, kanálmozgásokra integrált fedélzeti megvilágító endoszkóppal. Teljesen új állapotban 89 üzemórával. A hozzá vásárolt Knott tipusu ugyancsak új kéttengelyes autómata ráfutó fékes utánfutó külön megegyezés ...

Maglód, Pest

Szélvédőmosó tabletta: új technológia, a legolcsóbb szélvédőmosás

Szélvédőmosó tabletta: új technológia, a legolcsóbb szélvédőmosás

Új generációs, környezetbarát ablakmosó technológia: ablakmosó tabletta koncentrátum ablakmosó folyadék helyett! Extra tisztító hatás, extra bogároldó hatás, nem hagy csíkot vagy foltot. 6 db csomag, 24 liter ablakmosó folyadék készíthető a 6 db tablettából. 1 tablettához 4 liter víz kell. Azonnal feloldódik, ...

Páty, Pest

VW Beetle blade style (1955-1972) bumpers by stainless steel new

VW Beetle blade style (1955-1972) bumpers by stainless steel new

VW Beetle blade style (1955-1972) bumpers by stainless steel new A set of a front bumper, a rear bumper, bolts and screws. The product has shape and size like the original samples. So, They perfect fit on the car. Products are made of 304 stainless steel imported from Japan and India, especially with ...

Cegléd, Pest

VW Beetle USA style (1955-1972) bumpers by stainless steel new

VW Beetle USA style (1955-1972) bumpers by stainless steel new

VW Beetle USA style (1955-1972) bumpers by stainless steel new A set of a front bumper, a rear bumper, 4 x over riders, front and rear towel rails, bolts and screw. This bumpers don t fit VW beetle 1302, 1303 Mexican nor super beetle models. If your car is VW beetle 1302, 1303 Mexican, please let me ...

Cegléd, Pest

Volkswagen Karmann Ghia T34 (1966-1969) bumpers by stainless steel new

Volkswagen Karmann Ghia T34 (1966-1969) bumpers by stainless steel new

Volkswagen Karmann Ghia T34 (1966-1969) bumpers by stainless steel new A set of 1 front bumper in 3 parts, 1 rear bumper in 3 parts, 4 over-riders, bolts and screws. The product has shape and size like the original samples. So, They perfect fit on the car. Products are made of 304 stainless steel imported ...

Cegléd, Pest

Keresés mentése